вторник, 25 сентября 2012 г.

Different Types of Travel for Different Types of People

Many people tell us that they would love to travel like we do, but it just doesn’t fit with their lifestyle. We agree that our style of long term travel would not work for everyone. However, we also think that there are so many different types of travel out there that you are bound to find something that works for you.
None of these types of travel are good or bad as they each have their own advantages and disadvantages. You will probably find that you will end up enjoying several different types of travel throughout your lifetime. Here are 10 examples of travel styles:

Ten Different Types of Travel

1. The Weekend Break:

So you love to travel, but you also love your 9-5 job and you don’t want to give it all up to travel around the world for 6 months? Don’t worry, you can still travel by taking short weekend getaways. Look for cheap airfare deals, fly out on Friday evening and return on Sunday and make the most of the short time you have.

2. The Package Holiday:

The beauty of a package holiday is that all the work is done for you. You simply pick which beautiful beach you would like to be lounging on and your travel agent will make sure that everything is arranged.
Although the package holiday is sometimes looked down upon by hardcore backpackers, there is nothing wrong with wanted to spend your hard earned two weeks holiday on a sunny beach partying with friends and family.
This is not one of the types of travel where you learn a lot about another culture or get to know the locals. It’s all about spending a week or two having the time of your life in paradise!

3. The Group Tour:

Group tours can describe busloads of 20-year-olds who want to drink and party to groups of 80 year olds who want to visit historical monuments and everything in between. No matter what your interest, from art history to ghosts to cheese-making to fishing, there is a group tour out there for you. Your itinerary is usually packed with many different activities so you will never be bored.

4. The Caravan/RV Road Trip:

Buckle your seat-belt, put on some great tunes and hit the open road for a road trip!
When you own a caravan you will always have the option for a cheap holiday and whenever you get a free weekend you can pack up and drive somewhere new. This is a great way to explore the natural beauty that lies close to home and is also one of the most child friendly types of travel.

6. Long Term Slow Travel:

This describes the style of travel that Lee and I do most of the time. Long term slow travel is when you take several months or years to make your way around the world, staying in each location for long enough to really soak up the culture. Sometimes these types of travel experiences are funded by savings, or sometimes long term travel can befunded by working on the road
To find out more, check out our post Is Long Term Travel For You?

7. The Gap Year:

A Gap Year is when you take a year off usually to work, volunteer or study in another country.
When you hear the words “Gap Year” you might think of a University student trekking around before they join the “real world”. However, there is no reason why you can’t take a “Gap Year” and travel at any point in your career no matter how old you are.

8. Visiting Friends or Relatives:

Another one of the many types of travel is when you go to visit friends and family who live abroad. Because you have someone to stay with, you are usually able to afford to stay a bit longer than you could if you were paying for accommodation.
Your friends and family abroad are always offering for you to stay, so why not take them up on the offer?
An advantage of this is that you will get the insider perspective on the culture that comes with staying with a local. The only downside is that when you are a guest in someone’s home you will not always have the freedom to explore on your own.

9. Event Travel:

This is when you travel to a destination specifically to attend an event, such as the London 2012 Olympics, the 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup. It might also include attending a music festival or following your favorite band around on tour.
One of the main advantages to these types of travel experiences is that you will be visiting alongside thousands of people who share the same interest as you.

10. Business Travel

The best thing about traveling for business is that usually your company is footing the bill. Being paid to fly first class and stay in luxurious hotels at someone else’s expense is a great way to see the world. While you do not have a choice of where you go and you will be spending a lot of your time working, getting paid to travel rather than being stuck in a cubicle is a great way to spend your working week.

What kinds of travel do you prefer?

Welcome to my blog

As for me I prefer to learn about the world travelling.

            Millions people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music....So, what do you think of trevelling?