вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.


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Get acquainted to the city with the Open Double Decker Bus Tour
If you are visiting Paris for the first time, be sure to go on the bus tour as it will help decide how you would like to further your investigation of the place. The L’Open Tour is what you should go for as it has an open deck which gives you a clear outlook of this beautiful city. You can roam around according to your own needs, getting off and on as you wish.
Reach the pinnacle of the beloved Eiffel Tower
Get to Paris in order to admire the Eiffel Tower. Snagging your ride on the elevator to any of the observation podiums at the peak of this more-than-a-century-old iron icon is something you simply can’t live without while in Paris. It was constructed for the World’s Fair that demarcated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. It welcomes more than 6 million visitors each year. The view that the highest platform offers will leave you stunned.
Sail aboard the Sunset River Cruise on the Seine
There is no better way to acknowledge the real Paris than by sailing across the Seine River while the sun bids farewell to the Eiffel Tower and other attractions of the city. You can even go on a Night Sightseeingcruise that embarks from near the Eiffel Tower and will keep you awed for around an hour. Dinner cruises are also available, so you can admire the enchanting city in class. Hop on and be ready to fight for the best seat on the cruise.
Notre Dame de Paris , France from the summit of the Montparnasse Tower - Creative Commons Attribution - Based on a work from Pline at commons.wikimedia.org & Traveldudes.org.
Let yourself be awed by the Notre Dame Cathedral
Paris will take you to one of the most iconic places of the region, the Notre Dame Cathedral. It is located east of the Île de la Cité. It took almost two centuries to complete, and the results are breathtaking owing to the French Gothic Architecture. The cathedral has portals enclosed by ornate cravings, a number of gargoyles on the roof and flying buttresses. 
Please the art-lover in you at Musee d’Orsay
If you are a fan of marble sculptures and impressionist paintings, you are probably hyperventilating at the name of the Musee d’Orsay. Housed inside what used to be a railway station, this spectacular museum displays French art which can be traced back to the 1800s and the 1900s with a vast range of paintings by Monet, Manet and many others. Reward yourself with the fantastic views offered here.

Jala Beach

Albania - In the heart of Mediterranean, the Adriatic and Ionian Seas

In the heart of the Mediterranean, on the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, Albania is fast becoming one of the world's most interesting getaways. Still relatively unspoiled by globalization, tourists will notice an inspiring mixture of civilizations and cultures - making this European country truly unique.
Nestled in between Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro, and across the Adriatic from Italy, Albania boasts blue and turquoise seas, beautiful beaches, snow peaked mountains, rivers, lakes, and forests. As well as stunning nature, Albanians themselves are famous for their hospitality, and tourists are welcomed with heart-warming generosity.
Albanian history and culture is fascinating. Butrint, one of the world's archeological wonders - and a UNESCO World Heritage site - in the south of Albania provides a glimpse of Mediterranean civilization from the Bronze Age through the Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Venetian and Ottoman periods - all atop a cliff overlooking Corfu. It's not to be missed!
Home of both Mother Theresa and the great 15th Century hero Skanderbeg, Albania today offers not only beach and mountain holidays, but also a vibrant city life, a relaxing outdoor cafe culture and you will see that it's quickly evolving in a myriad of directions.
Come - discover Albania for yourself!

Why Do People Travel?

1. To challenge yourself

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2. To enjoy new experiences
Northern Thailand travel

3. To find yourself


4. To learn a new language


5. To experience new cultures


6. To party or just to have fun


7. To see new things


8. To eat new food

среда, 14 ноября 2012 г.


Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and houses more than 250,000 species, of which 70% are unique in the world. The island is famous worldwide because of Lemuria, with about 50 species, ranging from normal to bizarre. Lemurians are specific to these islands, but not only – dwarf chameleons, frogs tomatoes, giant jumping rats and hedgehog Madagascar are just some of the strangest animals that live on the island.
Due to the isolation of the African continent in 165 million years ago, the island has been developed plants with remarkable shapes such as swollen baoabul, national tree. Isalo National Park and Tsingy Nature Reserve are places where you can explore these creatures and plants.
Hauts Plateaux is the area that divides the country geographically, climatically and culturally. The coastal strip east of the mountain chain is forested and consists western savanna. Besides natural beauty, Madagascar offers beautiful beaches, coral reefs and plenty of water sports. The capital Antananarivo is the first and last stop for travelers on the island, a place with French flavor.
Madagascar is a place where ancestors are as much today as ever, where there are many taboos prevailing laws and Western religion is mixed with witchcraft and unique burial customs.

Main attractions

• Admire the French flavor and atmosphere of the capital Antananarivo, often abbreviated Tiana. French is widely spoken, and road signs and shops are mostly in French. The city is built on three levels. Visit the national monument of the city – Queen’s Palace and Royal Village or Rova. Merin is the former residence Dynasty, which unified the entire nineteenth century Madagascar for the first time.
• Visit the place where born dough State – Ambohimanga. The structures reveal the destination of the fortress citadel important. Its main gate is an enormous stone disc, which requires 40 people to be moved. Called “Blue City”, “holy city” and “Forbidden City” is surrounded by forests.
• Visit the second mountain of the country, Tsiafajovona, the main city of the country, Antsirabe, called Andasibe. The city has a spa and is surrounded by hills with lakes in volcanic craters besieged.
• Enjoy the views from the Hauts Plateau, a rugged mountain range, north to the center of the country.
• Admire markets animated Madagascar. Toamasina is the country’s main port and provincial capital, with several busy markets, including Be bazaar. In the capital, Zoma market claim to be the second largest in the world.
• Explore the impressive national parks and nature reserves. Bemaraha Tsingy Nature Reserve you can visit the virgin forests, mangrove swamps and lakes of accommodating a variety of rare birds and lemurs.
• Do not miss the volcanic region Ampefy, with spectacular waterfalls and geysers, which houses a species of lemurs without tail and many species of orchids.
• scuba dive centers Nossi Be, Nossi Lava, Toliara and Ile Ste-Marie. Many of them offer beautiful beaches and coral reefs. Diving centers are on the coast north and west.
• Face your fear and macabre and fascinating visit Amabalavao, called “place of the departed”, which is paper and silk antemore aridrano Lamba. And visit the peaks and Ifandana Ambondrome, where they killed 1811 people and mass where the exhumed bones of ancestors.

Food in Madagascar

Rice is ubiquitous in the cuisine of Madagascar. There are two national dishes: romazava – a meat soup and green leaves ravitoto – a stew of pork and manioc leaves. These recipes are flavored with ginger, cloves, nutmeg and pepper. Each region of Madagascar has its secrets. Northeast coast you will find in vanilla flavor or chicken flavor duck and cock in crustaceans. Street vendors selling barbecue, donuts, fried cassava and rice cakes even. In restaurnte you will find “confit of canards” duck with ginger and peppers, stewed meat pattern or filled with small onions.
A delicacy is a lobster with coconut rice and peanut sauce. Traditional rice drink is water. Juices varies according to season – papaya, mango, tamarind, sugar cane (bets-bets).

History of Madagascar

The inhabitants of Madagascar are a mixture of ethnic groups originating in Indonesia, Malaysia and Melanesia, which merged with the Aboriginal population, but also with the African and Arab immigrant later. Indonesians have migrated to the island in 700. Andrianampoinimerina King (1787-1810) resulted mainly from the island kingdom, and his son Radama I unified the great arts of the island. French protectorate in 1885 transformed the island, then ended the monarchy, banning Queen Ranavalona III in Algiers. He created a colonial administration, the Comoro Islands which were attached to other territories in 1908 and later. In the Second World War the British occupied Madagascar.
Autonomous republic within the French Comunitatioi 1958, Madagascar became independent member of the community in 1960. In 1973, a coup led by Gabriel Ramanantsoa dethroned Philibert Tsiranana, president since 1959. Didier Ratsiraka new president said it would pursue a line socialist, nationalized banks and insurance companies and mineral resources. Regime was characterized by censorship and dictatorship. The president was reelected in 1989 in an election suspect who sparked riots and the formation of a multiparty system in 1990.
In December 2001, electoral contests between President Marc Ravalomanana and Didier, the mayor of Antananarivo, was declared inconclusive. Ravalomanana declared himself president, and Didier said martial law and was a rival capital in Toamasina. At this time, Madagascar had two capitals and two presidents. After a recount of votes, the High Constitutional Court declared Ravalomanana beat.

Useful information

The inhabitants are very welcoming and relaxed, although some strange habits on time – for example, a means of transportation does not start until it is filled, regardless of how long. Avoid military-style clothing. If you stay in a village and give gifts to local people, especially the village head. Respect local taboos, not close to the graves. In some regions are still preserved the habit of inviting an ancestor at the holiday village. It is dug in order to physically attend event. It is a great honor to be invited to such an occasion.

Most beautiful beaches in the World

Most beautiful beaches in the World
Lagoons which exceed in splendor on the films, beautiful beaches, golden sands of sun tropics, turquoise waves, sunset and sunrise in unreal colors, landscapes which were not invented yet for comparison … In short, places on Earth that seem real gates to paradise. These and others, are the finest and most exclusive beaches you can enjoy in this life.

Aroa, Aiutaki, One Foot Island – Cook Islands

Instead of wasting your time and money to other places, at least once in life deserve to treat yourself and arm yourself with the money needed to make a trip more than expected, in another world. Destination: Captain Cook Islands. There, at the end of the world beyond East and West civilizations, waiting hidden in a lagoon bluer than the sky, Aroa Beach. Hang on! Not unlike anything you’ve imagined.
Located near Ratoronga, Aroa Beach can always win the category of “the white sand beach on Earth”. Aroa adorns a coral atoll so beautiful that even time seems to have stunned here, admiring it for millennia.
The entire piece of heaven is neat copy. In addition, do not come here than the richest people in the world, and for activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving and fishing, you need tens of approval. All they do is watched tourists on Aroa discreet and if you throw trash on the beach or in water or pushed you devil to destroy the environment, to disturb other visitors or to pollute the atmosphere sound, will be disposed of emergency, after payment of fines. In addition, for several years, do not get the right to tread the sand one of the most beautiful beaches in the South Pacific.

Sinclair’s Bay, Caithness beautiful beaches - Scotland

Sinclair's Bay, CaithnessHard to imagine that one of the finest beaches adorn even misty shores of Scotland, is not it? However, Sinclair Bay we get another obvious example where reality exceeds imagination.
There, at the end of the world beyond East and West civilizations, waiting hidden in a lagoon bluer than the sky, Aroa Beach.
Located near Ratoronga, Aroa beautiful beaches can ever win the category of “the white sand beach on Earth”.
Only 4 miles south of John O’Groats, bright waters and pristine sands of Sinclair’s Bay, detached directly from the Caribbean, not in Caithness. Framed in the north and one south of the sixteenth century castle, beach life offers unparalleled performance, with flocks of gulls, plover and other sea birds and seals hunted groups of killer whales.
Only 4 miles south of John O’Groats, shining waters and pristine sands of Sinclair’s Bay, detached directly from the Caribbean, not in Caithness. Bordered to the north and one south of the sixteenth century castle, beach offers a spectacle of unparalleled life, with flocks of gulls, plover and other sea birds and seals hunted groups of killer whales.
Even near the beach, is to be found famous Scottish castle Ackergyll Tower. Most local names are of Norwegian origin, and in memory of frequent armed confrontations in the past, spent between darjii Scottish and Viking invaders, visit Northhalds Viking Centre. The beach is famous among fans and bird watching, and nearby hotels organizes fishing trips at sea can turn anytime memories.

Shell Beach, Isle of Purbeck – Dorset

Shell Beach, Insula Purbeck - DorsetAgain in Europe, British Isles beautiful beaches, we find a new top range not heard many Romans, but that is treasured holiday destination among international tourism.
Isle of Purbeck, located near Dorset, is – in fact – a peninsula, but because it remained in the local lexicon as names island, tourist brochures still is suffering under the improper name. Island feeling is reinforced by Purbeck’s narrowness, which many people may seem like a piece of land dinstincta, lost at sea.
The area remained preserved lugul the time and seems separated from the reality of a XXI century Britain. The only elements of this man and civilization consists in browsing wanderer on the horizon a few yachts. Otherwise, peace and quiet! Beyond the huge beach, dotted here and there with cards seabird, is well hidden, the only local area entitled, of course, Shell Bay Bar & Restaurant. From prejama its savor a sunset on the English Channel, is a performance unmatched!

Whiteheave, Withsunday Islands – Queensland, Australia

If one would start to look for candidates for the title of most beautiful beaches in Australia, would surely find dozens of beaches to contend for this title. But if they get to Whiteheaven certainly would forget about the rest contracandidatelor. And given that this continent across the globe has been blessed by nature with many pieces from shore and water that would make everything fade saw the Romans through Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey beautiful beaches …
Imagine the finest and whitest sand in the world. Well, Whiteheaven beach sand is white and even finer! The beach is surrounded by tropical forest which unites practical horizons. At least, this is the visual sensation. Warm waters, clear, colored blue, and sky merge with the few islands that are seen in the distance. It is both difficult and expensive to get here. But once you set foot in this small and exclusive paradise, must remember that any escapade in the ocean, either swim, fishes, do surfing or snorkeling, do not necessarily have to dress (a) in complete swimming suit . This to avoid any sting from the small but deadly blue jellyfish, which for 6 months makes its appearance in bathing beach waters.
Another thing, the only way to get here is to obtain a residence permit from the Town Airlie Beach, the ones who release such acts tourists. It is not easy, nor cheap beautiful beaches.

Arambol Beach, Goa – India

Arambol, Goa - India“There is nothing in the world worse than being a loser who sits on the beach of Third World countries, wear slippers, wearing a psychedelic shorts, smoking a fucking grass and pretending to live in full consciousness expansion”, ironically playing the Alabama 3 in the hilarious song “Is not Going to Goa”. Even they?
In fact, piece of paradise in Goa has always sparked controversy and scandals. Connoisseurs swear by hand in the fire that those who are just envious detract not afford ever to hit this gem in the Indian Ocean.
For many, Goa is the Holy Grail that brings gentle hedonism all the world, spiced with hippyoti of all generations, who refuse to awaken to the realities around us. Goa will remain forever peaceful noncoformistilor capital (Western dreamers young and confused invaded Goa since the early 70s of last century), the seasonal expats and style of trance music that draws its name from this place where even the gods have forgotten of their mission, inspired by the unique atmosphere of beautiful beaches …
Imagine a Vama Veche in her good times (until ’93) to the tenth power, and all are far from reality the dream of Goa. And the pearl of what it is Arambol Goa, the northernmost beach of the Indian state. Arambol you are amazingly complex reveals extensive beaches, interspersed occasionally with rocks in fantastic shapes and coconut forests. Old hippies who came here ever since the Beatles ruled the charts, will tell stories of their comrades who fell victims Understanding real leopards and sharks.

Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar Island – Tanzania

Nungwi, Insula Zanzibar - TanzaniaComplex beaches in Kenya and Tanzania is considered the most exclusive travel agencies as the most searched all over Africa. Come to be clean sand, so fine that it literally shatters under your feet?
Zanzibar Island is the jewel of the East African coast. Since ancient times, there was the unofficial capital of African trade in spices. The island is adorned with a single maze in the world, known as Stone Town, and houses on its shores no less than 30 beautiful beaches than the TV ads.
One of the most beautiful beaches of Nungwi Tanzania is located in northern Zanzibar. Coastal line is continued in one form smooth, flowing, which is lost in the glare sapphire waters of the Indian Ocean. Advantageous silver sands and coral forms a natural habitat still intact, extremely rich and creatures that stretches miles towards the ocean. Dotted with small fishing villages that have remained for centuries, Zanzibar coast brings a sense of time lost in a heavenly!

Anywhere in Palawan – Philippines

PalawanTitle is not exaggerated at all, so that wherever you walk in Palawan, you can not predict which corner of the world you find attractive. Location fascinated and still fascinates many people. Although the action of “The Beach” by Alex Garland was set by him in Thailand, the writer has sought inspiration in this location in the Philippines beautiful beaches. The reason?
Well, many who traveled to Thailand in the past decade, tourists motivated by the desire to find your own island paradise, says the reality is below expectations. Luxury Islands in Thilandei were converted into reserves exclusive common man accessible only by boat flies over them, present them as, in most cases, completely forbidden.
On the other hand, the Philippines enjoys more than 7,000 islands and so many virgin beaches, inviolate the man that is very easy to rent a fishing boat on a sum of nothing and surf as your own to explore the islands. Group of islands in the western archipelago Tagalog is described even by locals as the last frontier of their country. I would say that Palawan Islands are incredibly exotic, if any, of course, for comparison to exotic!
Dream is an archipelago consisting of thousands of limestone islands, crossed by underground rivers, adorned with bizarre rocks, covered by lush rainforest and trimmed, of course, beaches whose sand is dazzling white. The most popular beaches are those of Honda Bay, Cannon Island, Bat Island and Starfish Island, but the real challenge is to discover your own Palawan islands. The natives believe that the most isolated places on the beach, accompanied by the best diving places in the world, the blood remains Island Reserve. On the other hand, are the most luxurious resorts in El Nido. You choose the beautiful beaches!

Porto da Barra, Salvador – Brazil

Porto da Barra, SalvadorIf big cities of the world could boast of their top beaches, then Sydney would scroll to Bondi, Los Angeles Venice and Rio de Janeiro Copacabana and Ipanema. And since I arrived in Brazil, let us pause a bit and the most beautiful beaches that adorn this country with the continent scale.
Brazil’s oldest city, Salvador, Porto da Barra beach hide. Situated at the entrance to Bahia de Todo os Santos Bay, the beach is adorned only with a small and stylish white colonial fort and with the Catholic Church also swallow, perched on a small hill. Otherwise, we delight scrolling scenery picturesque fishing boats and the few young locals who bathe here. Empty. The waters are always calm, clear and incredibly clean.
For a country that has over 7,000 miles of beaches facing east, Porto da Barra is not only the most beautiful beach in Brazil, but due to its orientation towards the West, also great for magnificent sunsets.

Tayrona National Park – Colombia

National Park Tayrona - ColumbiaTayrona is considered by many tourists and journalists specializing in travel as the most special beach around South America! Nobody expected such a beach occur suddenly, after about 40 minutes to grind through the forest that borders magrove Tayrona National Park.
If one expects to find here a genre Caribbean beach with calm blue waters, white sand and possibly some wooden huts for tourists, is wrong. From the first second you set foot in Tayrona beach you hit grand vision of a landscape: a great many times angry wild throw huge rocks the size of blocks. Around rocks, some beaches that seem to Jaffa aedevarate desert dunes, where displaced Amazon jungle to fight with the ocean and beautiful beaches.
In a country “normal” in terms of tourism, Tayrona was so far crippled hand “civilizing” of the man, already turned into a Westernized resort with comfortable, artificial flavor, boring. Fortunately for nature sites, the beach is located in a troubled country, devastated by civil wars spread across decades and battered by corruption, then add “black record” of Colombia country exports most Cantiere global heroin .
Here, in Tayrona National Park, majestic wilderness is to be found again. The beach is a huge offshore incadarata rainforest which derive directly from mountain waterfalls flowing into the ocean in a performance that would leave even the surprise move by James Cameron, writer and director of Avatar. The only people who venture here are some young people and hippies, nights sleeping in hammocks tied palm. In fact, the hammock is the only “accommodation” in this corner of the world blessed by nature of beautiful beaches.

Las Islas Cies, Galicia beautiful beaches - Spain

Las Islas Cies, GaliciaWhen you think of the beaches of Spain, in view of the Mediterranean beautiful beaches, Canary Islands and Mallorca, is not it? That’s only if you like crowds and tanning deck chair next to chair. To initiate and those from “good world”, Spain offers a secret kept away from the mob. It’s a little glimpse of paradise, hidden wild and isolated coast of Galicia province, near the Spanish border with Portugal beautiful beaches.
There, bathed by the waters of the Atlantic, there is a jewel of nature. To reach it you must imbarchezi in a boat, small fishing village of Baiona, the Las Islas Cies islands destination. After about 40 minutes away by motorized boat, you have already stepped into the most exclusive beach in Spain. Once a pirate hideaway perfect, location was included recently in a nature reserve, which may as well be inspired, because he remained so wild and untouched by the fury of property developers. And not to disturb the creatures of the island and beautiful beaches, access is allowed only tourists in the summer months.
Good life lovers come here in June, July and August for the perfect holiday spending days around the sand dunes of Praia often Rodas, who conceals a quiet lagoon-green transparent water. Locals call it improperly “Beach of the Caribbean”, but the title is hardly a compliment. Most tourists who visited the Caribbean and then they stopped in Las Islas Cies in Spain say that location is high above the beaches and the Caribbean.
According to specialists in quality sand beaches, the sand here is the finest in the world, that feeling of being naked foot steps on a field of soft cotton. And the lucky ones who come here can be accommodated in one location area, a complex shaded by tall pines, overlooking the ocean beautiful beaches.


Food and beverage scene in England offers a wide variety of choices, especially because of the diversity of immigrants in the country and their influence on English food. Inside the country each region has its own particularities. For example, northern countries tend to offer a more substantial and traditional food, at prices more reasonable than in the south. London and major cities offers a wide variety of foods from around the world, Chinese food, Thai, Mexican, Spanish, etc.. Indian food is especially popular and has a quality / good price, the most popular dish is curry.
England dinstins preference was always for the beer, the most popular traditional drink in the country, and cider, gin and tea. Bars and clubs in recent years have increased in number in the country due to increased tourist activity and the arrival of millions of visitors.


Drink scene in England has increased for many years and there are hundreds of places in each city. For traditional local drink called “pub” and can be found anywhere in downtown or suburbs. However, pubs have struggled to win more money from food, because the current rules regarding tolerance drink premises affected revenues.
Premises in city centers lining the main streets are more “themed bars” than pubs, and are often designed for drinking upright than for discussion. However, in distant hiding streets still traditional pubs, and most cities have some “real beer pubs” scattered around, sometimes in a group concentrated in a small area on the edge of downtown.
The law allows pubs to be open until 23:00 and 01:00. However, in most major cities and many small towns, pubs and bars located in the center will remain open until 02:00 or 03:00, especially on Friday nights and Saturdays. Also, during public holidays, many pubs extend their closing hours, especially New Year.
The most popular beer is bitter (bitter), although the lager is taking on increasingly more followers. Whisky is a drink very popular, especially for those in Scotland and Ireland.
Half a pint, if filled with beer is called “nip and the Haufe” (one sip and a half). Basically there are two types of whiskey, single malt and grain (seed), with a small amount of oats and barley production.
Blend is a mixture of two types. Others are very different malt whiskeys, whose quality depends on the ingredients used during processing, and water oak barrels and is imvechit.


England is the country a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. In addition to wines and spirits (mostly imported, but some native), all pubs selling some beers and at least one type of cider. The main types of beer you will find that lager, bitter and stout (Beer). Real beer (s) is not a separate classification refers to beer made and served by traditional methods.


England has a diverse population because of the large number of immigrants who arrived from other countries and settled here to live, prompting a diversified kitchen, and now eating can be an interesting experience because of the variety of approaches and styles that can be found . British food scene has a lot of places that offer food, from traditional English dishes to the most exotic. There are a wide variety of restaurants, cafes, bars, gastro-pubs around the country for all tastes, needs and wallets.
In London you can see a wide variety of food because it is a cosmopolitan city where you can find all types of food worldwide.
England is known for its culinary traditions, including afternoon tea, fish and fries, and especially the amazing English breakfast.
Pubs are probably the best place to eat in town at a reasonable price, sophisticated taste of foods or traditional English dishes. More exotic dishes prepared in most pubs are now larger and “gastropuburile” specialized.
Vegetarian food is widely available in pubs and restaurants in England, finding some vegetarian dishes.
Some of the most traditional British foods are described below:
Fish and chips. It is a traditional English dish, classic, French fries made from potatoes and fish (cod, haddock, Huss, flounder), fried dough of flour well.
Yorkshire pudding is a traditional and popular dish British, who comes from north-east England, made from flour, eggs and milk, that kind of dough baked with lemon and usually insiropat meat (steak).
Toad in the Hole (toad in the hole) is similar to Yorkshire pudding, sausages that are placed in the dough before it is put in the oven.
Lancashire broth consists essentially of meat, onions and potatoes, cooked ingredients are baked all day in a big pot on a low flame.
English breakfast consists of ham, eggs, sausages, bread, pudding black mushrooms (these are fried), baked beans in tomato sauce, with toast and butter – pancakes with plenty of strong tea or coffee with milk.


Europe is the most expensive tourist destination of choice for Americans, according to a recent survey. The findings show that European cities are in the target foreigners. Although the ranking made ​​by the famous sites and cities travel part of the United States, Japan and Brazil, in terms of accommodation, food, alcoholic beverages and transport, tourist destinations in Europe topped the charts, despite high costs.
The first place is taken by the French capital Paris, also considered the most beautiful city in the world. One night accommodation in a four star hotel in Paris reached 362 dollars, and a pizza in one of French restaurants average cost 21 dollars.
Zurich takes the second place in top and London is ranked as the third capital. Below is the entire ranking of the most preferred luxury destinations when it comes to vacations.

1. Paris, France

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 362.28
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 9.94
The average cost of a pizza: $ 26
The average cost of an alcoholic beverage: $ 35.50

2. Zurich, Switzerland

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 307.50
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 41.68
The average cost of a pizza: $ 19.41
Average cost of drinks: $ 11.03

3. London, United Kingdom

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 299.65
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 32.24
The average cost of a pizza: $ 19.33
Average cost of drinks: $ 22.57

4. Tokyo, Japan

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 272.28
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 37.7
The average cost of a pizza: $ 35.43
Average cost of drinks: $ 26.57

5. New York, USA

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 324.38
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 12.5
The average cost of a pizza: $ 11.99
Average cost of drinks: $ 18

6. Rio de Jainero, Brazil

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 310.43
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 6.7
The average cost of a pizza: $ 15.26
Average cost of drinks: $ 13.99

7. Moscow, Russia

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 302.58
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 8.9
The average cost of a pizza: $ 12.11
Average cost of drinks: $ 21.37

8. Kiev, Ukraine

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 309.25
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 4.38
The average cost of a pizza: $ 9.76
Average cost of drinks: $ 8.14

9. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 234.36
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 29.82
The average cost of a pizza: $ 30.18
Average cost of alcohol: 18, $ 46

10. Stockholm, Sweden

Accommodation per night in a four-star hotel: $ 253.45
The average cost of transportation by taxi: $ 13.43
The average cost of a pizza: $ 26.24
Average cost of drinks: $ 18.52


Known as a cultural center, Barcelona boasts splendid architecture, monuments, historical sites, natural resources, beaches and more. It is a very modern city, multicultural, cosmopolitan. Nearly 4.5 million people live in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona. The city is in a location extraordianara, bathing the sea and with excellent links with the rest of Europe. Some people say that Barcelona is the most European city in Spain, because it is always open to new ideas and trends. You may notice this at its inhabitants, the Catalans.
Catalan capital is a modern city, cosmopolitan, but has inherited many centuries of history. There are monuments from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance or even earlier, but most characteristic are those built during the last hundred years. Although the 1992 Olympics the whole world attention on the city, wonderful and strange architecture of Antoni Gaudí shows how much new and different relay worn Barcelona.
Barcelona, ​​a master of the art 2,000 years continuous renewal, has become the most visited city in Spain. In 2003 about 4 million visitors arrived in town, many in northern Europe by charter. Autumn is the perfect time to visit Barcelona, ​​the less heat, fewer tourists and the time when there is greatest street party, Festes from Merce on 24 September. The city continues to evolve as a center for design, gastronomy, the education and business and is probably the most attractive city in the world. And is one of the places of the world is not never enough.
Although Barcelona is a big city, it is easy to cross by public transport or on foot. You can reach the city by subway point in town, bus or taxi. Also, Barcelona attracts tourists worldwide. The explosion of low-cost companies operating on the internet and good prices in hotels and restaurants compared to other European cities have become European Capital of Barcelona in weekends.
Catalunya area around the market, including the historic city center, plus Passeig de Gracia, Rambla de Catalunya and the top half of Diagonal Avenue, is downtown. “La Rambla”, a pedestrian street, is the best place for watching the people walk, stroll or just yourself to relax. Here you will find dozens of outdoor cafes. Nearby is the real plate, with plenty of bars and restaurants, and Palau Guell, built by Antoni Gaudi and art nouveau style wave.
Balearic Islands lie to the east, Costa Brava north, the monastery of Montserrat to the west and south is Sitges resort town of Tarragona and roman. The inhabitants of Barcelona are open and hospitable. Barcelona speak Catalan people, their language, and Spanish. Many also understand some English and French.