People worldwide are affected by the scourge of modern pollution from industrial wastes and emissions. In the worst cases, tens of thousands of people are poisoned every day, according to reports in ecology experts that monitors the most polluted, and at the same time polluting cities in the world. Over 10 million people living near these sites highly polluted suffer from various forms of cancer, respiratory problems, damage the immune system, neurological disorders, and many other long-term health problems.


La Oroya - Peru
Persons affected: 35,000
Pollutants: sulfur dioxide, lead, copper, zinc
Source: Mining
Although it is a small town with only 35,000 inhabitants, La Oroya is heavily polluted by U.S. company Doe Run, who can afford to ignore all warnings ecologists Peruvian natives on health and long-term pollution area. Thus Doe Run Company representatives did not even warn residents of the dangers of mining. As a result, 99% of children born in this town presents a massive lead contamination of the blood and bone marrow, most netrecand the threshold age of 6 years. Also acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide air pollution have decimated both the surrounding jungle vegetation, and crops of the local people.


Persons affected: 71,000
Pollutants: chemical residues, heavy metals
Source: Industry
In this city ends so called “economic belt of India”, an area that crosses India from East to West, and where they found much of the industry in this country. Located in Gujarat Vani is a town concentrating over 50 factories producing fertilizers for soil, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and dyes. Besides pollutants produced by these factories, gather debris from the work of over 1000 small own production workshops in the areas of pesticides and drugs. All these companies discharging waste and residues daily, directly on the ground and nearby lakes. As a direct result, the doctors reported a high incidence of respiratory diseases and a rising rate of spontaneous abortion.


Persons affected: 134,000
Pollutants: Air pollution by sulfur dioxide, heavy metals such as nickel, copper, cobalt, lead, selenium, phenol
Source: Mines of extraction of heavy metals and their processing
Norilsk is a city in Russia, located beyond the Arctic Circle. Despite this, snow is falling winter black Norilsk due to pollution with heavy metals.
In fact, here is the world’s largest processing center of heavy metals, and therefore the most toxic city smog. This does not increase even a blade of grass within a radius of 30 km, while the heavy metal soil contamination was discovered including 60 km from Norilsk. About 16% of infants in this city die at birth, while adults suffer from serious respiratory diseases and various cancers.


Tianjin, China

Persons affected: 140,000
Pollutants: Lead and heavy metals
Source: Mining and processing of heavy metals
According to Chinese authorities, Tianjin is the largest lead producer in China, here working in lead extraction over 160,000 miners. Concentration of lead in air and soil in Tianjin is 8.5 times higher than in any other city in China. Also in this city there is no guard ecological and laws against pollution. Therefore people are forced to breathe air from the area where lead levels 10 times higher than the maximum allowed for the human body. Residents suffering from memory loss, brain disorders, and premature births.


Persons affected: 255,000
Pollutants: Lead, cadmium
Source: Mines of lead extraction and its processing
Kabwe is concomitant, the second city of Zambia and the first city in the world top lead polluters. As a direct result, the entire city is contaminated with heavy metals, including lead and cadmium are the most common. Kabve generations of children bathe (since 1902 when it started operation lead) in aproiere river where lead ore is discharged. All children in the city are contaminated with lead, which lead to irreversible brain and nerve disorders. Blood tests performed Kabwe children brought incredible results: children over 50 micrograms of lead in a deciliter of blood, registering cases where some children had more than 100 micrograms of lead per deciliter.
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Sumgait, Azerbaijan
Persons affected: 275,000
Pollutants: organic chemicals, petroleum, heavy metals including mercury
Source: Points of exploitation of petroleum and petrochemical plants in the
Once Sumgait was the center of the oil industry in the USSR where worked over 40 rubber factories, manufacturing chlorine and pesticides. Currently, the 275 000 people are infected daily with heavy metals, petrochemicals and mercury. Cancer rate is 50 times higher than in the rest of Azerbaijan, while Azeris in Sumgait children suffer from a number of genetic defects, disease of bone in diseases of the brain.


Dzerzhinsk, Russia

Persons affected: 300 000
Pollutants: Chemicals and adjacent toxic products, including Sarin gas and VX, also lead and phenols
Source: armaments factories during the Cold War
Dzerzhinsk was once the center of Soviet chemical weapons production. Currently, the economic activity of the city is focusing on the chemicals industry. Over a period of 70 years the center of Soviet military industry produced over 300,000 tons of dangerous chemical waste, disposed near the town without taking any measures to protect the environment. Huge warehouse residue resulted in contamination of groundwater with about 200 chemicals with potentially deadly to humans. Hope Maximum Dzerzhinsk life for residents is only 42 years.


Sukinda, India
Persons affected: 2600000
Pollutants: Hexavalent chromium, heavy metals
Source: Mining and processing of chrome
At Sukinda is the largest mining complex in the world for extracting chromium, here is stored about 97% of chromium extracted in India. Nearby waters contain hexavalent chromium, which is one of the most potent carcinogens known. Brahmins River flows through mountains formed by the 30 million tons of mining waste. More than 2.5 million people suffer from multiple forms of cancer due to exposure to water, soil and air near these mines.


Linfen, China

Persons affected: 3000000
Pollutants: tiny particles of ash, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, arsenic, lead
Source: exhaust from motor vehicles, industrial emissions
Linfen is a city located in central China, Shaanxi province. The city holds the sad record of the most polluted city in China. Residents are required to inspire a number of very dangerous toxins produced by hundreds of factories, mines, and refineries on the outskirts. In addition, the number of cars increases, leading to record the highest values of arseniculului discovered in the atmosphere of any city in the world. Consequently, the people of Linfen suffering new forms of pneumonia, bronchitis and lung cancer.


Persons affected: Over 5 million
Pollutants: Radioactive Dust
Source: Central reactor explosion in 1986
Chernobyl was a location exposed to 100 times more radiation than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Approximately 5.5 million people were severely affected during the year. Between the years 1992 – 2002 at least 4,000 children born outside the 25 km that separates perimerului forbidden zone around Chernobyl, thyroid cancer shows. Approximately 100 tons of highly radioactive uranium and plutonium are still trapped inside the destroyed reactor, over which was poured a thick layer of concrete. Contaminated area near Chernobyl still live and conduct their daily activities over 5 million people.