Travel to Rhine waterfalls

            About 15,000 years ago, Rhine Waterfalls made its runway one nine large loop, kneading limestone and sand. A natural step cascading, then, the tempestuous waters and splash curtain and bright white foam roaring dance forever.Rhine waterfalls, adamant hindrance in the way inland navigators, little pampering pleasure boats with cold showers and energetic. The Swiss landscape dominated by the serenity of snowy mountains, waters of the Rhine peace unfold in strips, making a nearby forest .
The figures come first Rhine waterfalls in Europe: width of 150 m, height 23 m, 13 m deep basin, with a summer average flow of 600,000 liters / second. So, is the largest waterfall or large (consisting of several successive falls, leading to the use of plural in its name) on the old continent, not the strongest – this is called Dettifoss (Iceland) and is 100 m wide , with a waterfall of 45 m before entering fully in Germany, born in the Swiss Alps river, passed through Lake Constance and over rocks at Schaffhausen, where he formed Rhine waterfalls, stretching westward as a natural boundary between the two countries by Basel, turning due north.
How the city Schaffhausen in Switzerland has a lot of signs with “Rheinfall” is not hard to pass on highway A3 (from Basel, Switzerland), A81 (from Stuttgart, Germany) and A4 (from Zurich, Switzerland) for roads that lead on the Rhine. Preference for bus or train routes to make you aware of the same stations Neuhausen am Rheinfall Schaffhausen. Maps will show you even bicycle routes, coming from various directions. For those who choose to walk on the Rhine boats run daily between Lake Constance (Boden-see) and the Rhine waterfalls and Rheinau times between them double sleeping bag.

 Rhine waterfalls attractions

Rhine Waterfall area is a park with lovely views and a soundtrack of turmoil water. Two old buildings, stunning cliffs, a railway bridge, steep steps and paths kilometer below the Rhine waterfalls invites you to a day full of Swiss charm, liberally sprinkled the water when the boat is still wild adventures in the fall of the Rhine. No matter where you go to Cascade, give the parks roads large and hence, one of the two castles on the shore: Laufen, in the south, and Wörth, in the north.
Travel to Rhine waterfallsLaufen Castle, now open to the public (daily from 9 am – 7 pm) and an elegant restaurant, dominates the Rhine heights of over 11 centuries. Since 885, when the family Laufen barons built their residence here, and until 1941 the castle passed from one owner to another, the last of her family Bleuler, giving it for sale Canton Zurich. Since 2010, the castle officially rejoined the tourist circuit, after restoration and modernization.
The main attraction remains the path arranged in steps, cutting the rock and bringing tourists up in whirling cascade, from her side. Viewed through the glass to protect the waters seem angry and agitated, but the outer platform boldly stretched above them, understand that sound and impressive fall is a nice game of Nature, the Rhine salt carelessly over ancient rocks.
On the other side, such as a watch from Laufen Castle, another smaller castle, Worth, attested in documents of the XIII century, in its restaurant offers a wide view of the Rhine waterfalls and went to Basel on the Rhine. By the construction of the railway, the building was used as a scratch space ships, whose route River (from Lake Constance to Basel) was here interrupted by Rhine waterfalls. Bank smoothly and promenade stretching from Wörth to modern center called “Park” after the old paths around an old hotel.
From the pier near Wörth, small boats across the Rhine to the opposite bank, below Laufen Castle, with a detour up in Cascade, among whom a large rock rises to dizzying heights, under the banner of Swiss. The brave can leave the boat and climb on top of the rock, to cover the eyes all the grandeur of rough water.

Rhine waterfalls history

Over the Rhine, before the descent of the waterfall, was built in 1857 a stone bridge with low arches, railway connecting the city of Winterthur Schaffhausen. How is the pedestrian bridge, he became a bridge between Laufen Castle area and the opposite bank, so long can lead tourists on a tour of the castle to another, without having to cross the Rhine by boat.
Some major attractions connects to Cascade Rhine landscape: Exploration of a canoe, admiring special lighting at nightfall, which creates a romantic table for those who walk or have dinner on the banks of the river, fireworks of July 31 after sunset, the sky explodes in color, lights and sounds, and, not least, opening on March 31 the new adventure park.
Rhine waterfalls remain indifferent to the season that it enriches or impoverishes the foliage and flowers are the banks, for tourists who look and listen to the sound of falling tireless songs are charmed forever, like a clever magic. Even later shared memory image in the album are nothing but fragments cheerful and sparkling sound waves of Rhine waterfalls.