среда, 14 ноября 2012 г.

Most beautiful beaches in the World

Most beautiful beaches in the World
Lagoons which exceed in splendor on the films, beautiful beaches, golden sands of sun tropics, turquoise waves, sunset and sunrise in unreal colors, landscapes which were not invented yet for comparison … In short, places on Earth that seem real gates to paradise. These and others, are the finest and most exclusive beaches you can enjoy in this life.

Aroa, Aiutaki, One Foot Island – Cook Islands

Instead of wasting your time and money to other places, at least once in life deserve to treat yourself and arm yourself with the money needed to make a trip more than expected, in another world. Destination: Captain Cook Islands. There, at the end of the world beyond East and West civilizations, waiting hidden in a lagoon bluer than the sky, Aroa Beach. Hang on! Not unlike anything you’ve imagined.
Located near Ratoronga, Aroa Beach can always win the category of “the white sand beach on Earth”. Aroa adorns a coral atoll so beautiful that even time seems to have stunned here, admiring it for millennia.
The entire piece of heaven is neat copy. In addition, do not come here than the richest people in the world, and for activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving and fishing, you need tens of approval. All they do is watched tourists on Aroa discreet and if you throw trash on the beach or in water or pushed you devil to destroy the environment, to disturb other visitors or to pollute the atmosphere sound, will be disposed of emergency, after payment of fines. In addition, for several years, do not get the right to tread the sand one of the most beautiful beaches in the South Pacific.

Sinclair’s Bay, Caithness beautiful beaches - Scotland

Sinclair's Bay, CaithnessHard to imagine that one of the finest beaches adorn even misty shores of Scotland, is not it? However, Sinclair Bay we get another obvious example where reality exceeds imagination.
There, at the end of the world beyond East and West civilizations, waiting hidden in a lagoon bluer than the sky, Aroa Beach.
Located near Ratoronga, Aroa beautiful beaches can ever win the category of “the white sand beach on Earth”.
Only 4 miles south of John O’Groats, bright waters and pristine sands of Sinclair’s Bay, detached directly from the Caribbean, not in Caithness. Framed in the north and one south of the sixteenth century castle, beach life offers unparalleled performance, with flocks of gulls, plover and other sea birds and seals hunted groups of killer whales.
Only 4 miles south of John O’Groats, shining waters and pristine sands of Sinclair’s Bay, detached directly from the Caribbean, not in Caithness. Bordered to the north and one south of the sixteenth century castle, beach offers a spectacle of unparalleled life, with flocks of gulls, plover and other sea birds and seals hunted groups of killer whales.
Even near the beach, is to be found famous Scottish castle Ackergyll Tower. Most local names are of Norwegian origin, and in memory of frequent armed confrontations in the past, spent between darjii Scottish and Viking invaders, visit Northhalds Viking Centre. The beach is famous among fans and bird watching, and nearby hotels organizes fishing trips at sea can turn anytime memories.

Shell Beach, Isle of Purbeck – Dorset

Shell Beach, Insula Purbeck - DorsetAgain in Europe, British Isles beautiful beaches, we find a new top range not heard many Romans, but that is treasured holiday destination among international tourism.
Isle of Purbeck, located near Dorset, is – in fact – a peninsula, but because it remained in the local lexicon as names island, tourist brochures still is suffering under the improper name. Island feeling is reinforced by Purbeck’s narrowness, which many people may seem like a piece of land dinstincta, lost at sea.
The area remained preserved lugul the time and seems separated from the reality of a XXI century Britain. The only elements of this man and civilization consists in browsing wanderer on the horizon a few yachts. Otherwise, peace and quiet! Beyond the huge beach, dotted here and there with cards seabird, is well hidden, the only local area entitled, of course, Shell Bay Bar & Restaurant. From prejama its savor a sunset on the English Channel, is a performance unmatched!

Whiteheave, Withsunday Islands – Queensland, Australia

If one would start to look for candidates for the title of most beautiful beaches in Australia, would surely find dozens of beaches to contend for this title. But if they get to Whiteheaven certainly would forget about the rest contracandidatelor. And given that this continent across the globe has been blessed by nature with many pieces from shore and water that would make everything fade saw the Romans through Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey beautiful beaches …
Imagine the finest and whitest sand in the world. Well, Whiteheaven beach sand is white and even finer! The beach is surrounded by tropical forest which unites practical horizons. At least, this is the visual sensation. Warm waters, clear, colored blue, and sky merge with the few islands that are seen in the distance. It is both difficult and expensive to get here. But once you set foot in this small and exclusive paradise, must remember that any escapade in the ocean, either swim, fishes, do surfing or snorkeling, do not necessarily have to dress (a) in complete swimming suit . This to avoid any sting from the small but deadly blue jellyfish, which for 6 months makes its appearance in bathing beach waters.
Another thing, the only way to get here is to obtain a residence permit from the Town Airlie Beach, the ones who release such acts tourists. It is not easy, nor cheap beautiful beaches.

Arambol Beach, Goa – India

Arambol, Goa - India“There is nothing in the world worse than being a loser who sits on the beach of Third World countries, wear slippers, wearing a psychedelic shorts, smoking a fucking grass and pretending to live in full consciousness expansion”, ironically playing the Alabama 3 in the hilarious song “Is not Going to Goa”. Even they?
In fact, piece of paradise in Goa has always sparked controversy and scandals. Connoisseurs swear by hand in the fire that those who are just envious detract not afford ever to hit this gem in the Indian Ocean.
For many, Goa is the Holy Grail that brings gentle hedonism all the world, spiced with hippyoti of all generations, who refuse to awaken to the realities around us. Goa will remain forever peaceful noncoformistilor capital (Western dreamers young and confused invaded Goa since the early 70s of last century), the seasonal expats and style of trance music that draws its name from this place where even the gods have forgotten of their mission, inspired by the unique atmosphere of beautiful beaches …
Imagine a Vama Veche in her good times (until ’93) to the tenth power, and all are far from reality the dream of Goa. And the pearl of what it is Arambol Goa, the northernmost beach of the Indian state. Arambol you are amazingly complex reveals extensive beaches, interspersed occasionally with rocks in fantastic shapes and coconut forests. Old hippies who came here ever since the Beatles ruled the charts, will tell stories of their comrades who fell victims Understanding real leopards and sharks.

Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar Island – Tanzania

Nungwi, Insula Zanzibar - TanzaniaComplex beaches in Kenya and Tanzania is considered the most exclusive travel agencies as the most searched all over Africa. Come to be clean sand, so fine that it literally shatters under your feet?
Zanzibar Island is the jewel of the East African coast. Since ancient times, there was the unofficial capital of African trade in spices. The island is adorned with a single maze in the world, known as Stone Town, and houses on its shores no less than 30 beautiful beaches than the TV ads.
One of the most beautiful beaches of Nungwi Tanzania is located in northern Zanzibar. Coastal line is continued in one form smooth, flowing, which is lost in the glare sapphire waters of the Indian Ocean. Advantageous silver sands and coral forms a natural habitat still intact, extremely rich and creatures that stretches miles towards the ocean. Dotted with small fishing villages that have remained for centuries, Zanzibar coast brings a sense of time lost in a heavenly!

Anywhere in Palawan – Philippines

PalawanTitle is not exaggerated at all, so that wherever you walk in Palawan, you can not predict which corner of the world you find attractive. Location fascinated and still fascinates many people. Although the action of “The Beach” by Alex Garland was set by him in Thailand, the writer has sought inspiration in this location in the Philippines beautiful beaches. The reason?
Well, many who traveled to Thailand in the past decade, tourists motivated by the desire to find your own island paradise, says the reality is below expectations. Luxury Islands in Thilandei were converted into reserves exclusive common man accessible only by boat flies over them, present them as, in most cases, completely forbidden.
On the other hand, the Philippines enjoys more than 7,000 islands and so many virgin beaches, inviolate the man that is very easy to rent a fishing boat on a sum of nothing and surf as your own to explore the islands. Group of islands in the western archipelago Tagalog is described even by locals as the last frontier of their country. I would say that Palawan Islands are incredibly exotic, if any, of course, for comparison to exotic!
Dream is an archipelago consisting of thousands of limestone islands, crossed by underground rivers, adorned with bizarre rocks, covered by lush rainforest and trimmed, of course, beaches whose sand is dazzling white. The most popular beaches are those of Honda Bay, Cannon Island, Bat Island and Starfish Island, but the real challenge is to discover your own Palawan islands. The natives believe that the most isolated places on the beach, accompanied by the best diving places in the world, the blood remains Island Reserve. On the other hand, are the most luxurious resorts in El Nido. You choose the beautiful beaches!

Porto da Barra, Salvador – Brazil

Porto da Barra, SalvadorIf big cities of the world could boast of their top beaches, then Sydney would scroll to Bondi, Los Angeles Venice and Rio de Janeiro Copacabana and Ipanema. And since I arrived in Brazil, let us pause a bit and the most beautiful beaches that adorn this country with the continent scale.
Brazil’s oldest city, Salvador, Porto da Barra beach hide. Situated at the entrance to Bahia de Todo os Santos Bay, the beach is adorned only with a small and stylish white colonial fort and with the Catholic Church also swallow, perched on a small hill. Otherwise, we delight scrolling scenery picturesque fishing boats and the few young locals who bathe here. Empty. The waters are always calm, clear and incredibly clean.
For a country that has over 7,000 miles of beaches facing east, Porto da Barra is not only the most beautiful beach in Brazil, but due to its orientation towards the West, also great for magnificent sunsets.

Tayrona National Park – Colombia

National Park Tayrona - ColumbiaTayrona is considered by many tourists and journalists specializing in travel as the most special beach around South America! Nobody expected such a beach occur suddenly, after about 40 minutes to grind through the forest that borders magrove Tayrona National Park.
If one expects to find here a genre Caribbean beach with calm blue waters, white sand and possibly some wooden huts for tourists, is wrong. From the first second you set foot in Tayrona beach you hit grand vision of a landscape: a great many times angry wild throw huge rocks the size of blocks. Around rocks, some beaches that seem to Jaffa aedevarate desert dunes, where displaced Amazon jungle to fight with the ocean and beautiful beaches.
In a country “normal” in terms of tourism, Tayrona was so far crippled hand “civilizing” of the man, already turned into a Westernized resort with comfortable, artificial flavor, boring. Fortunately for nature sites, the beach is located in a troubled country, devastated by civil wars spread across decades and battered by corruption, then add “black record” of Colombia country exports most Cantiere global heroin .
Here, in Tayrona National Park, majestic wilderness is to be found again. The beach is a huge offshore incadarata rainforest which derive directly from mountain waterfalls flowing into the ocean in a performance that would leave even the surprise move by James Cameron, writer and director of Avatar. The only people who venture here are some young people and hippies, nights sleeping in hammocks tied palm. In fact, the hammock is the only “accommodation” in this corner of the world blessed by nature of beautiful beaches.

Las Islas Cies, Galicia beautiful beaches - Spain

Las Islas Cies, GaliciaWhen you think of the beaches of Spain, in view of the Mediterranean beautiful beaches, Canary Islands and Mallorca, is not it? That’s only if you like crowds and tanning deck chair next to chair. To initiate and those from “good world”, Spain offers a secret kept away from the mob. It’s a little glimpse of paradise, hidden wild and isolated coast of Galicia province, near the Spanish border with Portugal beautiful beaches.
There, bathed by the waters of the Atlantic, there is a jewel of nature. To reach it you must imbarchezi in a boat, small fishing village of Baiona, the Las Islas Cies islands destination. After about 40 minutes away by motorized boat, you have already stepped into the most exclusive beach in Spain. Once a pirate hideaway perfect, location was included recently in a nature reserve, which may as well be inspired, because he remained so wild and untouched by the fury of property developers. And not to disturb the creatures of the island and beautiful beaches, access is allowed only tourists in the summer months.
Good life lovers come here in June, July and August for the perfect holiday spending days around the sand dunes of Praia often Rodas, who conceals a quiet lagoon-green transparent water. Locals call it improperly “Beach of the Caribbean”, but the title is hardly a compliment. Most tourists who visited the Caribbean and then they stopped in Las Islas Cies in Spain say that location is high above the beaches and the Caribbean.
According to specialists in quality sand beaches, the sand here is the finest in the world, that feeling of being naked foot steps on a field of soft cotton. And the lucky ones who come here can be accommodated in one location area, a complex shaded by tall pines, overlooking the ocean beautiful beaches.

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